Intune Consulting

Intune Consulting is a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) consultancy, relaunched and rebranded in 2019 from CE Diversity Ltd, to reflect the growing demand for advice and support around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the workplace. There is a growing expectation on organisations to have a DEI strategy in place. Intune Consulting provides support in the form of audits, training, workshops, and practical support to organisations seeking to achieve Best Practice when it comes to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Intune prides itself on seeking to understand your business first and advising what you really need second. We take a partnership approach and will always aim to make sure we are transparent about what you require and how to get there. Below you can learn more about the founder, Celia Evans.


Meet the Founder

Celia has lived, worked and consulted across the globe with more than 25 years’ experience in HR, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Leadership Development and Learning. She has lived in Sydney, Hong Kong, Zurich and London, with her grounding in global organisations such as Deloitte, EY, Insurance Australia Group and Zurich Insurance. Celia is passionate about creating working environments with equal opportunities – good for your people and your business. Celia has a deep knowledge and understanding of unconscious bias and micro behaviours, how to be an ally, DEI measuring and Inclusive Leadership. Celia has – for now – settled in Surrey, UK to raise her four children but continues to work globally.

We listen to your concerns about diversity and inclusion in the context of your people, your leadership, your culture and the context in which you operate. We will help to clarify your priorities and identify key objectives.

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